Blue Room 2 – Our Trip to Asda Nursery

Blue Room 2’s Trip to Asda Stones

In Blue Room 2, for the past few weeks we have had our very own shop setup in our role play area. This has created an environment where the children can role play and learn through play.

The children have also been practising their numeracy skills. Buying items from the shop has allowed them to recognise numbers and start to work on simple numeracy problems.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to buy and sell their very own real fruit and vegetables. They have even had some creative attempts at the logo’s of some of the shops that they knew from home. Our interpretations can be seen in the image below.

On this trip we walked just around the corner and got the tram to Asda. We went and visited their cafe, on the way we asked the children lots of open ended questions, talking to the children about what they could see, hear and smell. . We spoke about how the Asda Cafe was much larger than ours and how lovely their fresh fruit was.

All our children go on a variety of outdoor trips. We have found trips such as these really reinforce the children’s learning objectives. This has allowed them to become much more engaged in their own learning. Numerous studies have concluded that nursery educational visits such as these are incredibly positive teaching tools, that enhance both the children’s personal and social development.

Nursery trips such as these provide the opportunity for our children to learn by kinaesthetic learning i.e (learning by doing). This is particularly beneficial for any of our children which learn by visual and sensory experiences. At Stepping Stones we believe all of our children benefit from visits outside the nursery, they are simply allowed to enjoy and achieve in new engaging ways.

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