Updates and Notices
As the weather is getting hotter, please can all parents bring in hats and sun cream for your children.
In the Yellow Room
Over the next two weeks in the baby room, we will be doing lots of activities based around facial expressions and bonding. To help our babies achieve their next steps, we believe that building bonds with our babies is very important. This makes them feel comfortable within our environment which also helps them to develop and progress. Lots of eye-to-eye singing and copy cat games will be played.
Also to strengthen our older babies legs, we will be using the walkers and table toys. This encourages them to pull themselves up into a standing position and take their first steps.
Could all parents bring in family photos for your child. We are going to be making some shaker bottles with your pictures on over the next two weeks. Please email or bring photos in ([email protected])
In Red Room 1 & 2
In Red Room 1 we will be concentrating on encouraging the children to play alongside each other, responding to appropriate boundaries and extending their vocabulary. We will also be working towards these goals through many activities such as shaving foam play, natural play and cloud dough. Red Room 1’s words for the next fortnight are; big, little, cold, wet, hello, again, look and more. The older children will be supported to begin to put two words together.
In Red Room 2 we are focusing on physical play. We are learning to climb in and out of the ball put independently. We are also encouraging our children to play cooperatively with both children and staff. Games such as throwing, catching and rolling balls to one another encourage this.
We are also working on noticing marks. We will be using sensory play and drawing using palmar grasp and the pincer grip. More information can be found here.
Our words for the next fortnight based on the first 100 words are; little, big, hot, cold, wet, up and down.
We are also still asking parent’s to share family photos for our display, which can be brought in or emailed to [email protected]
In Green Room 1 & 2
In Green Room 1, we are going to be planting cress and watching is grow. Our key words are; big, little, green, soil and in. We will also be exploring outside to see what plants we have in our bottom garden.
In Green Room 2, we are going to be focusing on single words and introducing new words to start to create simple sentences. This helps children in developing their communication skills. Some examples; we will introduce the word soft to the children who will then be able to say things such as, ‘my teddy is soft’.
We will be using the first 100 words in both our Green Rooms, if you would like a copy to support your child’s development please ask a member of staff.
In the Pre-School
Fortnightly Book
In Blue Room 1 ‘Winston Was Worried’ is our fortnightly book. We will be making story maps, discussing feelings and making feeling faces. Pictures of animals from the story will also be made by the children.
Blue Room 2 will be reading ‘Owl Babies’. The children will be making nocturnal animal pictures, discussing their habitats and making paper owl plates.
‘Foggy Foggy Forest’ is Blue room 2’s book, they will be creating a story map and making sentences using the ‘Oxford Tree Reading Book’
In Blue Room 1 our letter of the week is Ll
In Blue Room 2 our letter of the week is Oo
In Blue Room 3 our letter of the week is Ff
We are all trying to think of lots of things beginning with our letters/the sound it makes, what items do you have at home beginning with our letters? What can you see beginning with our letters on the way to nursery? Can you bring anything in to show us beginning with our letter? We are using our new phoneme bags which are just next to reception, we will also be learning an alliterative rhyme that matches our letter (for example ‘C’ Carol the Cat clicks her castanets). We will also be learning the jolly phonics action.
In Blue Room 1 our number is 5
In Blue Room 2 our number is 5
In Blue Room 3 our number is 2
Talking to your child about these numbers will really reinforce our teaching. This helps your child’s ability to recognize numbers and aids in their mathematical development. In all rooms we will be counting to our number. Talking about the different ways we can make our number (for example 5 = 3 + 2, 4 + 1, 5 + 0 etc.). Also looking at where it is on our number line and which numbers come before and after it.
In Blue Room 1 the children will be studying the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We will be trying to name the shapes and be talking about how they are different. Going on a shape hunt around the nursery.
In Blue Room 2 our children will be looking at comparative language. We will be measuring hands and feet and making them into charts to see how they compare.
Odd and even numbers are the focus for Blue Room 3’s children. They will be grouping ans sorting numbers and making number lines.
Homework sheets for the Pre-School are available in both the rooms and on the door in a plastic wallet. Please ask your room leader for a sheet if you cannot find one.